It is estimated that 80-90% of wheelchair users do not fit properly in their wheelchair.
Standard or configurable wheelchairs serve an important purpose, particularly supporting users in their initial stages of rehabilitation, however when the user wants to become more active and independent, they can find this type of wheelchair can limit them.
Configurable wheelchair sizes can be limiting as they do not fit everyone individually. It’s been estimated that 80-90% of wheelchair users do not fit properly in their wheelchair.*
Some wheelchairs can be basic in design and have limited options. This can restrict the ability to become more active and may not meet the user’s individual requirements.
Not all wheelchairs are optimised to provide the most light and efficient solution. They can be large in size, use low cost materials and have a modular design which adds weight to the chair somore energy is needed to push, manoeuvre and lift.
Poor fitting wheelchairs can force the pelvis and spine into positions which create poor posture and if maintained over time could cause severe health problems including: fatigue, pain, infections, tissue breakdown, respiratory problems and persistent injuries.
Being uncomfortable reduces confidence and increases risk of health problems and pain which 59% of people with spinal cord injuries are reported to have.
A heavy wheelchair can limit its performance and make it difficult touse, particularly if the biomechanics are not optimised. More energy is needed to propel and manoeuvre which increases fatigue and puts more stress and strain on the upper body.
Over 30 individual measurements are taken of the user and the wheelchair, so that it can be designed and built to fit their individual requirements.
Sitting in the correct position can significantly reduce the risks of developing pressure related issues in the short and long term. Good health helps promote a more active lifestyle which in turn can positively impact a user’s wellbeing.
Alongside many functional options, a wide range of ergonomic options are available to provide optimum comfort, balance and posture.
Feeling comfortable increases confidence which helps the user achieve an active lifestyle. The likelihood of developing prolonged discomfort, pain and persistent injuries are significantly reduced.
The lightest possible solution is achieved using individual measurements, the highest quality materials and a rigid frame design.
The user and wheelchair work in complete unison. This reduces the amount of energy needed to propel and in turn increases the wheelchair’s efficiency to maximise the user’s abilities.
RGK believes every person is unique and therefore, every wheelchair should be unique too. This is why every wheelchair RGK designs and builds is made to the individual measurements of the user. RGK respects individuality and believes in maximising everyone’s potential. An RGK made to measure wheelchair fits the user perfectly and supports every individual requirement.
Over 30 individual measurements are taken of you and the wheelchair, so that it can be designed and built to for your individual requirements.
Alongside many functional options, awide range of ergonomic options are available to provide optimum comfort, balance and posture.
The lightest possible solution is achieved using individual measurements, the highest quality materials and rigid frame designs.
Sitting in the correct position can significantly reduce the risks of developing pressure related issues in the short and long term. Good health helps to promote a more active lifestyle which in turn can positively impact your wellbeing.
Feeling comfortable increases confidence which helps you to achieve an active lifestyle. The likelihood of developing prolonged discomfort, pain and persistent injuries are significantly reduced.
You and your wheelchair work incomplete unison. This reduces the amount of energy needed to propel and in turn increases the wheelchairs efficiency to maximise your abilities.
When you make your initial enquiry, your dedicated account manager will talk through your requirements, the products, your lifestyle, the funding avenues that may be available and a wealth of other subjects. We make sure we understand you before you’re even measured.
Over 30 measurements are taken in your assessment by our knowledgeable mobility advisors – all of whom are chair users themselves. This ensures they not only know how to measure but understand lifestyle requirements of life in a chair
All of your measurements are then added to our CAD system, which creates a 3D image and provides functional information to make sure that the chair is flawless and has the perfect functionality.
Each chair is built by one person, and one person alone. This means that one technician hand bends, welds and finishes your chair so that there is no room for error or misinterpretation; your chair isn’t just something they have a hand in, it is a project they live and breathe for as long as it takes to complete.
A staggering 19 checks are carried out from the assessment all the way to the official sign off of a completed chair – every single chair comes several pages of tick-lists, physical testing and minute detail inspection.
Your chair is handed over to you by the same mobility advisor who helped you to create it. They know the chair inside out and will run through all of its features with you before leaving you to enjoy it just so you can get the maximum efficiency and joy out of your new RGK.
Push Handles
Screw in, flip down and height adjustable options
Fixed, angle adjustable and flip back in a range of materials
Custom made flat or with fender in a range of styles and materials
Castor Wheels & Forks
High performance and lightweight in a range of sizes and options
Quality tension adjustable backrest and seat upholstery available in nylon, Airlite or leather.